• El Híbrido Telefónico HT-4002 es un módulo de interconexión telefónica completo, que incluye todas las herramientas para operar una o dos líneas telefónicas, como así también líneas punto a punto.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac nisl id sem mattis laoreet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus erat ut magna venenatis rhoncus tincidunt vel tortor.
  • To sound the best, you need the best, and the DSPX-AM is widely regarded as the best AM processor in the world. An AM processor like the DSPX-AM will blow away your competition on the dial and increase your listener numbers, and keep people tuning into your station.
  • The most cost effective audio processor available today, the DSPXmini-FM SE is in use around the world, providing even the smallest stations with BIG sound. The DSPXmini range proves that your station can sound exceptional, without breaking the bank.
  • The 8685 is Orban’s second-generation surround/2.0 processor. In addition to the effective automatic loudness control of its predecessor, the 8685 offers new input/output capabilities that include support for SDI and HD-SDI and for Dolby E. Dual redundant power supplies help ensure maximum uptime. In addition to surround processing, the 8685 can simultaneously provide up to four channels of 2.0 processing, allowing it to provide all the audio processing necessary for a typical ATSC broadcast with multiple subchannels. Like the 8585, the 8685 is dialnorm-aware. Loudness control is excellent when measured by the ITU BS.1770-2 and EBU R-128 standards or by the 8685’s built-in CBS Loudness Meters, allowing stations to comply effortlessly with the requirements of the CALM act. An included logging application allows time-stamped indications of the 8685’s built-in BS.1770-2 short-term and integrated loudness meters to be written to a Windows PC’s local or network storage.
  • Orban's all-digital 9300 Optimod-AM audio processor can help you achieve the highest possible audio quality in monophonic AM shortwave, medium wave and long wave broadcasts. Optimod-AM delivers louder, cleaner, brighter, FM-like audio with an open, fatigue-free quality that attracts listeners and holds them. Because all processing is performed by high-speed mathematical calculations within Motorola DSP56367 digital signal processing chips, the processing has cleanliness, quality and stability over time and temperature that is unmatched by analog processors.
  • The 8500 Sound You Trust at a Price You Can Afford. For years, broadcasters have trusted Optimod-FM 8500 to build audiences and ratings with its big, bold sound. Optimod-FM 5700 now offers the popular 8500 sound in a compact, cool-running 1U package at a more affordable price. The 5700 provides stereo enhancement, equalization, AGC, multiband compression, low-IM peak limiting, stereo encoding, and composite limiting—everything that you need to compete in your market.
  • OPTIMOD-FM 8700 is Orban’s flagship processor. Featuring versatile five-band and two-band processing for both analog FM transmission and digital media, the 8700 provides the industry’s most consistent sound, track-to-track and source-to-source. This consistency allows you to create a sonic signature for your station with the assurance that your signature will stay locked in, uniquely branding your sound.
  • El Ultra-Proc 303 es un procesador de audio con generador estéreo incluido de dos salidas independientes con funciones específicas para uso en Radiodifusión.
  • Los brazos soportes par a micrófono m!ka están fabricados en Alemania con tubo de aluminio de alto impacto anodizado.
  • MIX-54+ Consola 5 canales + híbrido telefónico + Bluetooth La Consola MIX-54+ es una de las Consolas más compacta que fabrica Trialcom. Sin embargo, cuenta con todas las prestaciones de audio y señalización al igual que cualquier consola de mayor tamaño.
  • El MIX-401 es un mezclador de audio activo con capacidad de mezclar cuatro audios de micrófonos o línea y una entrada directa al master.


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